So, the shortest month of the year has ended. Usually as soon as 1st February comes around most girls get excited since it means Valentine's Day is close. This year, being away from my boyfriend I decided not to celebrate it. However (fortunately? lol) I neglected to inform him of that decision and he surprised me anyway (aww :).hehe). Anyway, back to the topic of Valentine's day. It seems the day has become in the minds of some girls/women, a day to receive from their partners rather than a day of give and take or even just as a day of expressing love to all dear ones, whether boyfriends, husbands, parents or siblings even. I don't see why women should expect to be the only ones on the receiving end, guys also like to be showered with love and gifts too! Hopefully, come next Valentine's day, more women and girls will think about how to show their love to the men in their lives (and to their families and friends - it doesn't just have to be about romantic love does it?) rather than thinking of ways to acquire material things from their poor long-suffering boyfriends/husbands.
Another day that made February even more special this year was the fact that 2012 is a leap year, meaning 29th February a.k.a Leap Day came around. In Scotland, Ireland and a few other European countries, it's been known over the years as the day women are 'allowed' to propose to men. Interesting, huh :)? Here's an article I found talking about the different versions of how it came about: .
The first time I heard of this tradition was when I watched the romantic comedy 'Leap Year' sometime last year (click here for the trailer: Leap Year movie trailer (2010) ). Little did I know that I would be so close to a place where an actual proposal would take place on 'leap day' this year! A lady travelled all the way from UAE with her boyfriend and sprung a lovely surprise proposal on him at the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. (Watch the video here: Leap Year proposal in Edinburgh 29/02/2012 ).
Although these two days are special and well-noted days for love and romance and all that goes with it, I don't think we should limit ourselves to just these 2 out of 366 days for expressing love. So if these two days passed you by without any romantic gestures coming your way or without you taking the initiative to carry out a romantic act of your own, don't fret, there are still 304 days of this year left for you to find love and/or give love!
Everyday is an opportunity to love and be loved! Happy March everyone :)